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Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series 39(台灣文學英譯叢刊(No.39):王文興專輯)
Wang Wen-hsing is an internationally renowned modernist writer who has long been regarded by Taiwan writers as a bellwether of literary aesthetics. His reputation rests on his devotion to an innovative literary language and writing style, demonstrated primarily in his novels. His persistent pursuit of an ideal style has challenged standard aesthetic views of Chinese literary language and conventional reading strategies. He views writing much as he does painting, music, or any other art form: while acknowledging the importance of content, he foregrounds the form. His fictional works, therefore, are not only pieces of creative writing but also creative artworks; each word and sign should be appreciated like a musical note in a song or a brush stroke in a painting. This ideal pushes him constantly to search out a more precise method to describe a specific subject, and each new method he develops is added to the reservoir of Chinese rhetoric. Due to his peculiar approach, he writes extremely slowly. During the past three decades, he has been able to write only thirty-some characters a day. To date, he has published twenty-three short stories, one novella, three novels (the second novel is in two volumes), one one-act play, three volumes of essays, and numerous poems, prose works, translations, and pieces of criticism.
Preface to the Special Issue on Wang Wen-hsing/Kuo-ch'ing Tu
Foreword to the Special Issue on Wang Wen-hsing/Shu-ning Sciban
The Youth Who Returned at Dusk 夏天傍晚回家的青年/Translated by Fred Edwards
Clipped Wings, a History (Excerpt)《剪翼史》(節譯)/Translated by Darryl Sterk
Autobiography 自傳/Translated by Michael Cody
Why Write? 為何寫作/Translated by Michael Cody
Garden on the Sea 海上花園/Translated by Fred Edwards
Remembering Modern Literature 現文憶舊/Translated by Fred Edwards
Collection of Spirit Thoughts 神話集/Translated by Ihor Pidhainy
Kindness, Frugality, … 一曰慈,二曰儉……/Translated by Michael Cody
“A Dream of Foxes”: A Dionysian Story in Strange Tales from Make-do Studio 《聊齋》中的戴奧尼西安小說〈狐夢〉/Translated by Terence Russell
The Literature of “A Gentleman Dies for the One Who Knows Him” 「士為知己者死」的文學/Translated by Ihor Pidhainy
A Combined Reading of Su Shi's Poems on Viewing Huangzhou's Red Cliff 蘇子瞻黃州赤壁三構合讀/Translated by Jane Parish Yang
Film Is Literature 電影就是文學/Translated by Steven Riep
Of Journeys and Islands: Narrative Patterns in Ingmar Bergman's Films 旅途和島嶼―柏格曼的電影模式/Translated by Steven Riep
Calligraphy the Supreme Art 書法是藝術的頂巔/Translated by Johanna Chien-mei Liu
Nine Lectures on Katherine Mansfield’s “The Doll's House”(Excerpt) 《玩具屋九講》(節譯)/Translated by Chu-yun Chen
Appendix: “The Doll's House” by Katherine Mansfield
About the Translators
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