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Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXII, 2016-2017 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXII, 2016-2017
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2022/11
NT$500  (ABOUT US$16.67 
Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIIII, 2020-2021  ...

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIII (part II), 1999-2017 (Supplement) Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIII (part II), 1999-2017 (Supplement)
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2021/10
NT$700  (ABOUT US$23.33 
Agreements signed with other countries or international organizations from January 2018 to December 2019  ...

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIIII, 2020-2021 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIIII, 2020-2021
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2021/10
NT$650  (ABOUT US$21.67 
Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIII part II (1999-2017)  ...

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIII (part I), 2018-2019 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXIII (part I), 2018-2019
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2019/12
NT$500  (ABOUT US$16.67 

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXI, 2014-2015 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XXI, 2014-2015
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2017/06
NT$500  (ABOUT US$16.67 

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XX, 2012-2013 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XX, 2012-2013
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2014/12
NT$500  (ABOUT US$16.67 

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVIIII, 2010-2011 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVIIII, 2010-2011
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2012/12
NT$470  (ABOUT US$15.67 

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVIII, 2008-2009 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVIII, 2008-2009
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2011/11
NT$460  (ABOUT US$15.33 
本輯編收錄民國97年至98年間我國與世界各國(組織)簽訂之條約協定  ...

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVII, 2006-2007 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVII, 2006-2007
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2010/12
NT$430  (ABOUT US$14.33 

Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVI, 2005 Treaties between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and foreign states volume XVI, 2005
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Publication Date:2010/11
NT$400  (ABOUT US$13.33 

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