Introduction to Dongsha Atoll National Park (認識東沙-英文版)

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Introduction to Dongsha Atoll National Park (認識東沙-英文版)

  • 編/著/譯者 / Lee,Pei-Fen
  • 出版機關 / 海洋國家公園管理處
  • 出版日期 / 2009-12
  • 主題分類 / 自然保育
  • 施政分類 / 海洋資源
  • ISBN / 9789860215502
  • GPN / 1009803953
  • 頁數/張數/片數 / 112
  • 裝訂 / 平裝
  • 定價 / NT$ 250
  • 6 折優惠價 / NT$ 150 (優惠期限至2025/02/28)


The Dongsha Atoll National Park was officially established on January 17, 2007, under the supervision of Marine National Park Headquarters which was created on October 4 of the same year. This park is the seventh national park in Taiwan.
Dongsha has been transformed into a place that symbolizes fine military efforts to promote peace in the South China Sea. This is a region full of many natural resources such as fisheries, coral, fossil oil, and natural gas. With the establishment of this national park, Taiwan hopes to contribute to international marine protection.




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