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(政府出版品因受限於採購程序,平均補貨作業時間約 2~3 週)
Stranger Than Paradise: Reconceptualizing Globalization
This edited volume addresses the phenomenon called globalization by highlighting its neoliberal origins and critiquing its disguising as human destiny from three levels of contemporary culture: existential, national, and transnational. Exposing the masquerading of neoliberal globalization as the perpetual peace after the end of history, the authors of this volume to different extents all call upon us to reflect on its Capital-driven and Western-centric nature and operations, with a view to facilitate its end and explore the possibility of a new phase of global collaborations through which we can tackle the roots of the natural and man-made catastrophes incurred by neoliberal globalization.
Part I Surviving Globalization
From Global Warming into a New Ice Age? Climate, Adaptation and Examples from the Past / Luiz Oosterbeek
States of Dread / David Theo Goldberg
Towards A Global Aquarium Studies / Ian Buchanan
Part II (Mis)Imagining the Nation
Existential Distortion: Korean Literature and the National Question / Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
The Dead End of "Bilingualism" / Alain Brossat
Climate Change in a Time of COVID-19: Living and Transforming the Syndemic in the Navajo Nation / Dana E. Powell with Earl Tulley
Part III Re-encountering Transnationality
Exilic Inscriptions: Migration and the Resistance to (World) Theory / Galin Tihanov
Peoples in Movement: Migrants, Indigenous Peoples, and Transitional Justice in Contemporary Latin America / Camilo Pérez-Bustillo
Visualizing International Relations: A Manifesto / William A. Callahan