Superb Taiwanese Primer

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Superb Taiwanese Primer

  • 編/著/譯者 / Seng-hian Lau
  • 出版機關 / 國立臺灣師範大學
  • 出版日期 / 2023-01
  • 主題分類 / 教育文化
  • 施政分類 / 教育及體育
  • ISBN / 9789865624897
  • GPN / 1011200024
  • 頁數/張數/片數 / 240
  • 裝訂 / 平裝
  • 定價 / NT$ 420
  • 9 折優惠價 / NT$ 378


This book features topic-based conversations. Each sen-tence is provided with translation and vocabulary. Every syllable is marked with music notes indicating the tone pattern. Here you learn not only vowels and consonants, tones and tone sandhi of words, but also tone sandhi rules applied to the whole sentence.
What makes this book unique: treating commonly used function words and special sentence patterns as independent units; explaining grammatical features; providing online resources, such as dictionaries and input methods. Slangs and idioms often used in daily life are also included.


How To Use This Book
To the Reader

1.1 〈knowledge〉 The Language and Its Speakers
1.2 〈conversation〉 Self-introduction (1)
1.3 〈conversation〉 Useful classroom expressions

2.1 〈knowledge〉 Vowels
2.2 〈lexicon〉 Useful expressions
2.3 〈lexicon〉 Fruit and snacks
2.4 〈conversation〉 Greeting

3.1 〈conversation〉 Self-introduction (2)
3.2 〈conversation〉 Borrowing things

4.1 〈knowledge〉 Consonants
4.2 〈lexicon〉 Family members and relatives
4.3 〈knowledge〉 Pronouns
4.4 〈lexicon〉 Numbers

5.1 〈activity〉 Huah tsiú-kûn / Tâi-uân-kûn
5.2 〈lexicon〉 Classifiers and measure words
5.3 〈conversation〉 Time and date
5.4 〈knowledge〉 Tones

6.1 〈conversation〉 Eating out
6.2 〈conversation〉 Ordering food
6.3 〈conversation〉 Talking about food

7.1 〈conversation〉 Hanging out
7.2 〈conversation〉 Bargaining
7.3 〈activity〉 Learning by singing

8.〈conversation〉 Holidays

9.1 〈knowledge〉 Tone sandhi (1)
9.2 〈knowledge〉 Making a question
9.3 〈knowledge〉 Tone Sandhi (2)
9.4 〈lexicon〉Colors

10.1 〈conversation〉 Hobbies
10.2 〈activity〉 Learning by singing

11.〈knowledge〉 Pronouncing a sentence with the right tones- steps and tips

12.1 〈knowledge〉 Taiwanese Input Method
12.2 〈knowledge〉 Some General rules for You to Make
a Sentence in Taiwanese by yourself
12.3 〈knowledge〉 The object position - A small
grammar note

13.1 〈conversation〉 Asking for directions
13.2 〈knowledge〉 Tone sandhi (3)

14.1 〈conversation〉 Occupations
14.2 〈activity〉 Learning by singing

15.1 〈lexicon〉 Grammatical Aspect
15.2 〈lexicon〉 Using verbs expressively

16.1 〈lexicon〉 Localizers and Location
16.2 〈lexicon〉 Some fixed expressions and
colloquial terms
16.3 〈activity〉 Learning by singing
16.4 〈activity〉 Learning by singing




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