Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court  Volume Three

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Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court Volume Three

  • 編/著/譯者 / 司法院
  • 出版機關 / 司法院
  • 出版日期 / 2020-11
  • 主題分類 / 人權保障
  • 施政分類 / 行政程序
  • ISBN / 9789865454647
  • GPN / 1010901690
  • 頁數/張數/片數 / 400
  • 裝訂 / 平裝
  • 定價 / NT$ 350
  • 9 折優惠價 / NT$ 315




Table of Contents

Preface to Volume Three ix
I. Introduction 1
II. Leading Cases
1. Legislature
No. 721 (Election of Party-list Proportional Representatives Case) 9
No. 325 (The Parliamentary Power of Inquiry Case) 17
No. 585 (Scope of Legislative Authority Case) 25
No. 461 (Duty of the Chief of General Staff to Be Present and Answer Questions in Legislative Committees Case) 65
No. 435 (Speech Immunity of Legislators Case) 71
No. 632 (The Exercise of Constitutional Powers and the Duty of Loyal Cooperation of Constitutional Organs Case) 75
No. 329 (Treaties Subject to the Parliamentary Deliberation of the Legislative Yuan Case) 85
2. Executive
No. 627 (Presidential Immunity and Secret Privilege Case) 91
No. 419 (Vice President Concurrently Assuming Office of Premier Case) 111
No. 520 (Withholding of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Budget Case) 147
No. 613 (Legislative Authority over Executive Personnel Case) 163
3. Judiciary
No. 530 (Administrative Supervision of the Supreme Judicial Institution Case) 183
No. 216 (Judicial Review of Administrative Ordinances Case) 193
No. 601 (Deletion of the Budget Appropriated as a Specialized Payment for the Justices Case) 197
No. 185 (Remedies against Judgments that Rely upon Precedents Declared Unconstitutional Case) 221
No. 177 (Permissibility of Retrial When a Relevant Provision of Law Not Applied Affects the Judgment Case) 225
No. 741 (Scope of Original Cases Eligible for Extraordinary Remedies under Interpretations Declaring Laws Unconstitutional but Valid for a Prescribed Period of Time Case) 231
No. 599 (Preliminary Injunction against Mandatory Fingerprinting for Identity Cards Case) 239
No. 328 (Can the Constitutional Court interpret the delimitation of the boundaries of national territory?) 247
4. Local Governments
No. 553 (Judicial Review and the Local Government Act Case) 249
No. 527 (Petition for Interpretation of the Local Government Act Case) 259
Constitution 271
Additional Articles of the Constitution 307
Judicial Yuan Organization Act (Excerpt) 319
Constitutional Court Procedure Act (1993) 323
Justices of the Constitutional Court 333
Complete Lists of J.Y. Interpretations 381
Translators and English Editor of the Leading Cases 383
Subject Index 387
Case Index 389




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