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Letters from India : Describing a Journey in the British Dominions of India, Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmere, During the Years 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, Undertaken by Order of the French Government

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Letters from India : Describing a Journey in the British Dominions of India, Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmere, During the Years 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, Undertaken by Order of the French Government

Author G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) Dickinson   Language English
Publisher Karachi ; New York : Oxford University Press Pages 838
Publication Date 1979/1/1 Binding Paperback
ISBN/Barcode 2971600685560 Collection Asian Literature  
Product Dimensions B5  
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Although silks and ceramics from the Orient had arrived in Egypt and Europe via the Silk Road since ancient times, it was not until 1513 A.D. that the first European trading ships reached China. From this date Europe's fascination with Asia blossomed. Trade expanded greatly as did the race to secure precious commodities and influence. The Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russians, Dutch and above all the British, sent traders and armies into the region to secure land and sea routes for their growing empires. Alongside generals, subalterns and the civilian representatives of far away powers came explorers and in greater numbers the Christian missionaries who in their own way transformed Asia as much as the European powers did. It is the memories of military men, explorers and missionaries which populate this iGroup database. Their firsthand accounts of culture and religion, rivers, mountains, rulers, khanates, trade, agriculture, wars, gold and gemstones were sensational and are to this day essential source material for modern Asian studies.

Many of them have been out of print for decades or centuries. But thanks to digital technologies, thousands of them in searchable full text and facsimile are offered in The Asian Studies database. Most date from the 16th to the 19th century and are predominantly in English with a few in Dutch, Spanish and other colonial languages. They cover an area from Afghanistan to China and Japan. The newly independent Central Asian nations are also well represented with vivid accounts of British and Russian explorers and military men visiting the khanates of Central Asia. In addition to books, the database includes letters, memoranda and parliamentary questions about the British East India Company. There are also many ancient documents in Chinese and Sanskrit from the great libraries of Europe and North America.

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