Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court Volume One

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Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court Volume One

  • 編/著/譯者 / 司法院
  • 出版機關 / 司法院
  • 出版日期 / 2018-09
  • 主題分類 / 法務
  • 施政分類 / 法務
  • ISBN / 9789860566734
  • GPN / 1010701376
  • 頁數/張數/片數 / 324
  • 裝訂 / 精裝
  • 定價 / NT$ 300
  • 8 折優惠價 / NT$ 240 (優惠期限至2025/02/28)




Table of Contents

I. Introduction 1
II. Leading Cases
1. Democratization
No. 261 (Terms of Office of the First Congress Members Case) 9
2. Limits on the Power to Amend the Constitution
No. 499 (Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments Case) 15
3. The Power to Introduce Statutory Bills to the Legislative Yuan
No. 3 (The Control Yuan’s Power to Introduce Statutory Bills Case) 43
No. 175 (The Judicial Yuan’s Power to Introduce Statutory Bills Case) 47
4. Judicial Independence
No. 86 (Separation of the Judicial and the Prosecutorial Institutions Case) 51
5. Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court
No. 2 (Government-Petitioned Uniform Interpretation Case) 53
No. 371 (Judges’ Petition for Constitutional Review of Statutes Case) 55
6. Gender Equality
No. 365 (Fathers’ Preferred Parental Rights Case) 59
No. 728 (Qualifications for Successors of Ancestor Worship Guilds Case) 63
7. Freedom of Assembly
No. 445 (Prior Restraint on the Freedom of Assembly Case) 69
8. Free Speech
No. 744 (Prior Restraint on Commercial Speech Case) 103
9. Freedom of Secrecy of Correspondence
No. 631 (Issuance of Communications Surveillance Warrants Case) 111
10. Right to Property
No. 400 (Public Easements on and Taking of Privately-Owned Existing Roads Case) 121
No. 440 (Taking without Compensation of the Underground Strata of Private Lands Case) 127
11. Right to Work
No. 584 (Permanent Disqualification of Taxi Drivers Case) 131
No. 749 (Temporary Disqualification of Taxi Drivers Case) 139
12. Right to Judicial Remedy
No. 736 (Public School Teachers’ Right to Judicial Remedy Against Infringements by Schools Case) 151
No. 752 (A Defendant’s Right to Appeal a Higher Court Guilty Decision Reversing a Lower Court Not-Guilty Decision Case) 159
13. Unenumerated Constitutional Rights
No. 603 (Mandatory Fingerprinting for Identity Cards Case) 169
No. 748 (Same-Sex Marriage Case) 187
Constitution 203
Additional Articles of the Constitution 239
Judicial Yuan Organization Act (Excerpt) 251
Constitutional Court Procedure Act 255
Justices of the Constitutional Court 267
Complete Lists of J.Y. Interpretations 313
Translators and Editors of the Leading Cases 315
Subject Index 319
Case Index 323




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